Sunday 14 September 2008

Day 2

OK, this is all a bit strange. It is the evening of Day 2, I am still motivated, don't feel hungry and have more energy than I have had for a long time. Hmmmmmm. Mr H has commented that I am `full of beans' too. There is obviously something to be said for this diet!

Made the mistake of weighing myself this morning when I got up and I was heavier than I was yesterday! I am not taking much notice of that though, my true weigh in will be a week on Saturday and I am going to do my best to not get on the scales until then. I am going to give Phase 1 the 2 week blitz the book says you should and see where I am then.

Have stuck to the food list religiously today

Breakfast: Made little parcels of smoked salmon stuffed with cream cheese with lots of black pepper and lemon juice.

Lunch: A bowl of king prawns with a tiny bit of seafood sauce, mayonnaise would have been better but went for the sauce even though it was surprisingly high in sugar. Only had a teaspoon though.

Snacked on some macadamia nuts.

Dinner: A big heap of roast chicken with the skin on, cauliflower mash from the diet book and some stir fried cabbage with herb butter.

I have not missed carbohydrates in any way shape or form. The only thing I craved after I finished my dinner was something not sweet exactly but some sort of pudding so I had two teaspoon fulls of clotted cream, which is allowed and stopped me wanting anything else.

I have also managed 5 pints of water and have discovered that a slice of cucumber in a plain glass of water works wonders! It makes the water taste slightly of melon, lovely.

Have also been very organised by planning our meals for the week, sorting out my breakfast and lunch ready for tomorrow and packing my bag for work.

Struggling a bit with the exercise part. The book advises a brisk 10 minute walk once a day and to build up from that. Well I am a lazy cow so even walking for 10 minutes a day leaves me cold. But I have been running up the stairs instead of walking up them and I have decided to just stick a CD on and dance for 10 minutes a day, oh and book in to the toning tables centre that is in Rhyl as they worked really well for me last time.

I have been a bit worried today though about how I can be eating all this fat and food that slimming world or weight watchers would advise me to run screaming from and still lose weight. I kind of feel as though I will do this for two weeks, will put a stone on and realise the whole thing is one big con or fad designed for you to buy the book and then you are on your own sucker. Have posted to the forum though and I am not alone in feeling that. There are also dozens of women on there who claim to have lost pounds and pounds. One woman has lost 110lb!!! I will be happy with 3lb in my first two weeks to be honest, that is more than I have ever lost any other way!

I am also a bit concerned about Mr H. Yes he took the vitamins with me yesterday morning and yes he got on the scales for a weigh in when I did but when he started baking bread yesterday afternoon I knew he had fallen off the wagon. I also found out from a neighbour today that the reason he refused a prawn salad yesterday lunchtime was because he had been eating sausage sandwiches with them!! I am not bothered about him not following the diet to the letter but what does concern me is that I can eat all these fats because i am not eating any carbohydrates. My meals are for the most part going to be creamy, fat filled and anything low fat or lite is banned. If he keeps eating the carbs on the sly and the meals that I am preparing in the evening he is going to BALLOON!!!

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